

 (注46)ホセ・パシアノ・ラウレル・イ・ガルシア(José Paciano Laurel y García。1891~1959年)。
 ’ Laurel is the only Philippine president who served the three branches of government. He became a senator-congressman, associate justice and a president of the Second Republic.[citation needed]・・・
 His father had been an official in the revolutionary government of Emilio Aguinaldo and a signatory to the 1899 Malolos Constitution. Just like many other presidents, he is a Chinese mestizo descendant.・・・
 Laurel completed his high school education at Manila High School in 1911. He received his law degree from the University of the Philippines College of Law in 1915, where he studied under Dean George A. Malcolm, whom he would later succeed at the Supreme Court of the Philippines. On the same year, he took the Philippine bar examination and placed second. He then obtained a Master of Laws degree from University of Santo Tomas in 1919. Laurel was later awarded a scholarship at Yale Law School, where he obtained his J.S.D. degree in 1920. On the same year, he was admitted to the Bar by the Supreme Court of the United States and the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia. He later traveled extensively throughout the United States and Europe, where he also took special courses in international law at Oxford University in England and at the University of Paris in France before returning to the Philippines in 1921. He also earned his Doctorate in Jurisprudence at the Escuela de Derecho in Manila and Humanities at the University of Santo Tomas.・・・
 Laurel was appointed first as Undersecretary of the Interior Department, then promoted as Secretary of the Interior in 1922. In that post, he would frequently clash with the American Governor-General Leonard Wood, and eventually, in 1923, resign from his position together with other Cabinet members in protest of Wood’s administration. His clashes with Wood solidified Laurel’s nationalist credentials.・・・’
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jose_P._Laurel (下の[]内も)
 [Laurel’s prewar, close relationship with Japanese officials (a son had been sent to study at the Imperial Japanese Army Academy in Tokyo, and Laurel had received an honorary doctorate from Tokyo Imperial University) in 1938, placed him in a good position to interact with the Japanese occupation forces.]
 1944年9月21日、22日、<米>軍機によりマニラ市内が激しい空爆にさらされると、同月23日、ラウレルは<米英>に対して宣戦布告を行った。 その後、日本の敗戦が濃厚になると山下奉文大将の助言で1945年3月末、・・・フィリピンを脱出し、台湾に向かう。・・・その後、奈良ホテルで亡命生活を送る。 1945年8月15日の日本の降伏2日後の8月17日、側近らと協議の上(第二次)共和国消滅の宣言を決定。同月23日に発表した。
 その後1951年に上院議員に立候補しトップ当選し、1953年にはラモン・マグサイサイ大統領の擁立に尽力。1954年には経済使節団長として渡米し、「ラウレル・ラングレー協定」(・・・Laurel–Langley Agreement)に署名。1957年に公務から引退した。」
 次男のJosé Sotero Hidalgo Laurel III(1914~2003年)。’He mastered the Japanese language and culture in the Imperial Japanese Army Academy from 1934 to 1937. ・・・
Laurel was admitted to the Philippine bar on June 10, 1950.
 From 1966 to 1971, Laurel served as ambassador of the Philippines to Japan.’
五男のSalvador Laurel(1928~2004年)。’<H>e joined a group of young men who planned to go by sea to the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia since 1949) and join Sukarno in the struggle for independence from the Dutch Empire, but local authorities stopped them at the pier.・・・
  He received his LLB (Bachelor of Laws) degree in UP in March 1952. ・・・
  Without waiting for the results of the bar examination, he left for Connecticut to study at Yale University, his father’s alma mater where he earned his Master of Laws degree in 1952. He earned the title Doctor of Juridical Science at Yale University in 1960. ‘


