<浜口恵俊『間人主義の社会 日本』を読む(その16)>(2025.3.2公開)
彼らにとって、近代化を促進する力は、いわゆる「かたくなな個人主義(rugged individualism<(注23)>)」以外にはありえなかった。
(注23)。’Rugged individualism, derived from individualism, is a term that indicates that an individual is self-reliant and independent from outside (usually government or some other form of collective) assistance or support. While the term is often associated with the notion of laissez-faire and associated adherents, it was actually coined by United States president Herbert Hoover.
American rugged individualism has its origins in the American frontier experience. Throughout its evolution, the American frontier was generally sparsely populated and had very little infrastructure in place. Under such conditions, individuals had to provide for themselves to survive. This kind of environment forced people to work in isolation from the larger community and may have altered attitudes at the frontier in favor of individualistic thought over collectivism.
Through the mid-twentieth century, the concept was championed by Hoover’s former Secretary of the Interior and long-time president of Stanford University, Ray Lyman Wilbur, who wrote: “It is common talk that every individual is entitled to economic security. The only animals and birds I know that have economic security are those that have been domesticated—and the economic security they have is controlled by the barbed-wire fence, the butcher’s knife and the desire of others. They are milked, skinned, egged or eaten up by their protectors.・・・
57% of Americans did not believe that success in life was determined by forces outside of their control. Additionally, the same poll found that 58% of Americans valued a non-interventionist government over one that actively worked to further the needs of society.’
⇒私は、’rugged individualism’を「裸の個人主義」と訳してきた(コラム#省略)ところですが、それが、フーヴァー・タワーのあるスタンフォード大ゆかりの言葉であるとは、迂闊にもこれまで気が付きませんでした。(太田)
(注24)「「個性化」(individuation)とは、ユング心理学の概念であり、その人が「本来そうなるであろう究極の自分」になっていくことである。「個性化」は生涯を通して成される心の成長。その道のりをユングは「個性化の過程」(individuation process)といった。」