 ハリーポッター俳優のダニエル・ラドクリフ(Daniel Radcliffe)の長文の紹介(インタビューを含む)記事↓が載ってました。
 ・・・ In 2006 and 2007 — after years of rising violence and disappointed expectations — much of the public and Congress had concluded, as Sen. Harry Reid did, that “this war is lost.” Some, such as then-Sen. Barack Obama, recommended an almost immediate American withdrawal.
Instead, a number of unexpected and related developments transformed the situation in Iraq completely.
— President George W. Bush’s lonely decision to pursue the surge purchased 24 additional months to train capable Iraqi forces, provide security for civilians, support tribal allies, and dig out and eliminate AQI leaders.
— During the Anbar Awakening, 50,000 to 100,000 foot soldiers not only left the enemy but also joined our side, contributing knowledge of the insurgency’s inner workings.
— Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, elected with support from Shiite extremists, went south to take on Iranian-backed Shiite militias in Basra — establishing himself as a national, not just a Shiite, leader.
— And Iraq’s Sunnis fully joined the political process, which now absorbs much of the energy that might otherwise spill into the streets. ・・・
 マリアン・アンダーソン(Marian Anderson)コラム#3193)の伝記の書評↓が出ていました。
 ・・・ with his first taste of combat came his first mistake. Carrying out a stealth attack on a small band of Frenchmen who were moving through Virginia from Ohio, Washington ordered his men to fire. A Seneca tribe joined in the butchery. Even as it became obvious that the traveling group was a peaceful one, he made no effort to stop the carnage. When time came to report the error, he pinned the blame on his translator.
It wasn’t the last time he would make a colleague the scapegoat. A few years later, he decided to take on a large force of enemy raiders threatening a British supply post, but in the haze of dusk he didn’t realize he was ordering an attack on a fellow detachment. Forty were killed in the friendly fire. Not only did he blame the commander of the other troops, Washington “took the lion’s share of the credit” for having stopped the slaughter. ・・・
 He made sure that, in spite of all mishap and missed opportunity, every victory from the Carolinas to Yorktown was seen as his personal triumph. ・・・
 As president, Washington continued to be a master of self-interested realpolitik. He chose the site of the capital because he wanted it near Falls Church and Alexandria, towns in which he owned property. He signed Alexander Hamilton’s bank bill into law on a quid pro quo that ensured the District’s boundaries were most favorable to his real estate interests. As Thomas Jefferson and Hamilton faced off, shaping the partisan politics that would rattle down history to this very day, Washington played the two against each other — throwing in James Madison for good measure. ・・・
 ・・・George Washington ・・・ was never “favorably disposed toward democracy.” He dragged his heels when it came to liberating America’s slaves. He chose Hamilton’s mighty money colossus over the messier business of Jefferson’s republicanism. ・・・
 ・・・A Gallup poll・・・conducted in May・・・found that 92 percent of Americans think it is morally wrong for a married man or woman to have a fling <at adultery>.・・・
 Another poll conducted by the Pew Research Center three years ago found that Americans considered adultery worse than abortion, smoking marijuana or cheating on taxes.・・・
 It’s been nearly 40 years since the biologist Robert Trivers posited that the evolutionary imperative to maximize offspring would lead to mostly promiscuous males and nonpromiscuous females. Because males only invest a small amount of sperm in reproduction, philandering increases their reproductive success. Females, who invest much more time and energy in each offspring, would prefer one high-quality mate.
 But females could be unfaithful, too, if it improved their chances to pass on their genes. Female bonobo chimpanzees have sex with dozens of males to obscure the paternity of offspring and thus stop males from killing infants to get their mothers to stop breastfeeding and become fertile again. ・・・
 ・・・when women had a choice, it could make more sense for them to be the second wife of a rich man than the first wife of a poor one. ・・・
 Today, studies have found that men still prefer young, healthy women who can produce healthy babies, while women prefer wealthy men who can contribute resources to rear them.・・・
 ・・・plausible explanation ・・・<of>the end of polygamy・・・is the opposition of less fortunate men that were left out of the mating game. It was not about the sex. It was about the inequality.・・・
 ・・・the Gallup poll・・・<found that p>olygamy — deemed wrong by 91 percent of Americans.
 米国初の女性の政策担当国防次官(under secretary of defense for policy)のミシェル・フラワーノイ(MICHELE A. FLOURNOY)についての記事↓が出てました。
 ・・・how to balance preparations for future counterinsurgency wars, like those in Iraq and Afghanistan, with plans for conventional conflicts against well-equipped potential adversaries, like North Korea, China or Iran.
 ・・・given that the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan have lasted far longer than the American involvement in World War II, ・・・how to prepare for conflicts that could tie up American forces for decades.