≫例えば、構図、色彩感覚がシロウト離れしていることくらい、いや、少なくとも仕込まれたゾウが描いた具象画なんてのとは比較にならないいい出来だってことくらい分かんない? ≪(コラム#4791。太田)
 【画像あり】7歳の天才少年 ピカソの再来か 絵画16点260万で完売  その画力、圧倒的
≫一般庶民たるチミ、一方であれだけ検察をボロクソに言ってたかと思ったら、手のひらを返すように官僚(検察)信仰と一般庶民(検察審 査会)蔑視の言を吐くっての、自分で滑稽で恥ずかしいと思わんかね。≪(コラム#4791。太田)
≫検察審査会の人間は法律の素人の703とか704程度の一般庶民だからわけもわからず起訴したのよ。 ≪(コラム#4791。ΦΕΦΕ)
 「松本外相の<ハンガリーでの>スピーチ、停電で幻に ASEM外相会合・・・」
 ・・・What begins with euphoric crowds soon slides into a second phase of economic paralysis. The same happened in France after the initial “bliss” of 1789 and in Russia after 1917. In each case, exuberance at the overthrow of the old regime was swiftly succeeded by exasperation at the decline in living standards. And that was what gave the political extremists their opportunity to peddle their radical ideology of war against internal and external foes. Yesterday, the Jacobins and Bolsheviks. Tomorrow, I fear, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda.・・・
 Richard Whiteの’Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America’の書評。↓
 Leland Stanford, for example, was well-known to his companions as dim-witted, careless, selfish, lazy, and yet filled with “immense self-regard.” ・・・
 ・・・that such reptilian types ever gained so much power and wealth is bewildering. That their descendants still command so much authority is beyond understanding.・・・
 White strongly identifies with the Indians who were dispossessed in part by the railroads and with the railroad workers who did the dirty and dangerous jobs for low pay and little freedom. ・・・
 The story of the transcontinentals, White writes, “is more than just a phase, the unruly youth of corporate capitalism.” It represents the beginning of “a deeper mystery of modernity: how so many powerful and influential people are so ignorant and do so many things so badly and how the world still goes on.” Why do the “unfit” seem always to triumph?・・・
 Leland Stanford and his fellow railroad men did not make America; it was America that made them, and it was foreign as much as domestic investors who gave them money. Voters and investors, workers and capitalists, all wanted to see the West “civilized” as quickly as possible. They dreamed of human empire over nature, and in that dreaming they didn’t bother about balancing costs and benefits. The conquest was worth whatever it cost, in lost economic opportunity, in injustice, and in environmental destruction. ・・・
 Richard White is a Thorstein Veblen for our times. ・・・
  Veblen was dismissed by Stanford University for his “immorality” and unpopular views, while White is one of that university’s most honored professors. ・・・ 
 On the first Monday morning of June 1951, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 22-page majority decision that, for the next six years, did the unfathomable here in the land of the free: It effectively outlawed a specific political belief. ・・・
 By the time the appeals reached the U.S. Supreme Court, a shooting war was underway between capitalism and communism on the Korean peninsula, and the justices voted 6 to 2 to uphold the convictions (Justice Tom C. Clark, father of future Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark, recused himself because he had been attorney general himself at the time of the Dennis trial).
 Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson — an old poker-playing pal of President Truman, whose administration pressed the case — ruled that the Communist Party U.S.A. leaders’ talk of revolution posed a “clear and present danger” to the U.S., even though there was no evidence the defendants were planning, or had committed, any overt acts. The evidence was their libraries, their writings and the classes they taught.
 But in dissent, Justice Hugo Black wrote words that should have been heeded then by the majority, and ought to be heeded today as American lawmakers and judges make fresh assaults on civil liberties in the name of fear, including the recently extended Patriot Act:
 ”Public opinion being what it now is, few will protest the conviction of these communist petitioners. There is hope, however, that in calmer times, when present pressures, passions and fears subside, this or some later court will restore the 1st Amendment liberties to the high preferred place where they belong in a free society.”
 The ruling gave the U.S. government the green light to prosecute party leaders, and upward of 200 were indicted before the Smith Act was gutted in 1957 by the Warren court, which held in the related case Yates vs. United States that words alone were not enough to pose a clear and present danger. The “calmer times” Black had envisioned had come, but the original defendants remained in prison and the Communist Party U.S.A. was left in tatters.・・・
 ・・・The multi-millionaire heiress – her grandfather was Picasso’s art dealer — has now given up her work, home and a substantial chunk of her fortune to live with Strauss-Kahn in a gilded cage, devoting herself to clearing his name. She has put up $6m (£3.7m) in bail, $1m of it in cash, spent hundreds of thousands for the best lawyers, $50,000-a-month rent on a luxury downtown Manhattan townhouse in which to live with him under house-arrest, complete with home cinema, while paying $200,000 a month for the round-the-clock armed guards to stop her husband escaping. She refused to visit Strauss-Kahn in jail but is now reportedly turning his confinement into an interior design project; she has been seen shopping for towels in designer boutiques and is reportedly organising renovations. New York tabloids reported that the cleaning staff are all male and the meals delivered included steak and salad worth $242.
 When Strauss-Kahn, who denies all charges, officially enters his not guilty plea on Monday, Sinclair will be in court again and France is gripped. Psychologists are scrabbling to answer the question: why does Sinclair stay with him and what does it say about France? Strauss-Kahn is innocent until proven guilty in the New York case. But the French media have begun to pore over his alleged sexual behaviour in France for decades, ranging from heavy-handed chat-ups to harassment and preying on women, to the use of prostitutes and swingers’ clubs, and extramarital sex to the point of addiction. Tristane Banon, the goddaughter of his ex-wife, claimed he sexually assaulted her during an interview. Those of his friends who defend him, saying he isn’t capable of violence, admit he is a “great seducer” who brazenly seeks serial sexual conquests.・・・
 ・・・Poll of 400 married men found that 21 percent admit to wanting to cheat on their spouse while traveling on business–and 8 percent have actually done so (the majority of them repeatedly). Six percent of the respondents admitted to having paid for sex while traveling on business. Still others acknowledged that they’ve hit on the help: 3 percent of the men in・・・poll said they’d made a pass at a hotel worker (more than half were rebuffed), and 2 percent had sex with them.・・・